The only way to improve is to aknowledge the challenges.
Hey all 💓
It’s been a year since we are hit with the pandemic - Coronavirus also known as Covid19 and until today, we are still battling it out from day by day. When would it end? Can you really relate and practice the new norm from now on? Would it be normal for us to just walk like we used too without the mask? What would become of the world for our future youths? Are they ready to face these rapid changes and can they survive?
Being said that, one person had certainly thought ahead for the youths today. Sharing his experiences and knowledge with over 30 years operating his interior design firm successfully, and sees the need to assist the interior design industry with his expertise and know-how to budding startups due to the rapid changes brought by the pandemic in hopes to help and assist our Youths.
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This incredible figure is Ed Mun, the founder of Space Utilisation Analyst.
Hence, his channel Insight Interior with Ed Mun (IIEM) serves to share his design thinking application, processes, and the realities of the interior design industry in hopes to improve the survival rate of interior design startups in a regulated but unenforceable industry.
“IIEM is all about bridging the gap between professional industry players with the consumers and budding interior designers. I believe there are many aspects of the real world that are not taught to budding interior designers in universities, that is why many set up and fail quickly,” shares Ed Mun.
A great breakthrough to bridge the gap came to light during the Covid-19 pandemic, when Ed Mun was given the opportunity to become Smart Selangor Delivery Unit’s (SSDU) office interior design consultant.
SSDU’s requirement is to design a communal office that focuses on collaboration, open concept, free movement, encourages creativity, and even play at the same time. They wanted to create the workspace of tomorrow that focuses on breaking the silos amongst agencies and entities within the government.

Ed Mun applied his trade specialty in holistic space assessment, and pushed his design boundaries by incorporating scientific measurement, psychology of space, and Zen theory to develop a space for his client’s needs.
Here’s some Q&A we did with the honourable Mr. Ed Mun.
1. Why the need to pursue this direction to help the younger generation and the startups today?
Ed Mun has personally experienced the downfall of a bad business deal, and the COVID-19 pandemic left a bitter after taste to all sectors, however, the startups and the new interior designers were left on their own to pick up the pieces. He felt it is his duty as an experienced business owner to contribute by sharing his experience and knowledge on how to bounce back and maintain a sustainable business during trying times. Our Founder's Story, Ed Mun
2. What is the campaign all about?
Due to the rapid changes brought about by the pandemic, many business sectors have taken a big hit, what more to a non regulated business sector such as interior design. Ed Mun sees the need to assist the interior design industry by sharing his experiences, knowledge, and know-how with budding startups.
Through his channel “Insight Interior with Ed Mun" serves as his design thinking application, processes, and the realities of the interior design industry in hopes to improve the survival rate of interior design startups in a regulated but unenforceable industry.
3. How do you plan to execute this campaign?
Ed Mun has started building his connecting from MCO time, nevertheless, the master class series planning started in September 2020. In the meantime for 2021, every month he will be sharing;
1x Master class video per month
Reality Insights to Ed Mun's Interior Design Projects
Weekly tutorial videos
5 Mins Live Virtual Conversations For Professional Know-hows (FB Live and IG Live)
4. Who are you targeting to share your insights?
Ed Mun’s Youtube channel Insight Interior with Ed Mun (IIEM) is designed to help new designers achieve economic independence and to open their minds to the nature of such a high-pressure industry. The channel focuses on 3 market segments,
1. Interior design education for an interior design audience
2. Serves as a guide for property owners
3. Enable the general society and consumer to build a functional relationship with their personal space.
IIEM is all about bridging the gap between professional industry players with the consumers and budding interior designers.
5. How do you plan to execute this?
All videos are currently available on all Insight Interior with Ed Mun (IIEM) social media platforms.
Facebook: @insightinteriorem
Instagram: @insightinteriorem
Twitter: @insightedmun
YouTube: Insight Interior with Ed Mun: Insight Interior with Ed Mun
LinkedIn: Ed Mun
6. Why this campaign and platform?
“I believe there are many aspects of the real world that are not taught to budding interior designers in universities, that is why many set up and fail quickly,” shares Ed Mun.
“It is only through passing on wisdom and experiences openly, will the young designers learn to practice good business ethics, finances for the long haul in this industry”.
Ed Mun believes that we should learn from COVID19. Be agile and flexible and its world is changing and evolving at an exponential speed. Youths today are ready to dive right into new possibilities, therefore he believes it is his duty as the experienced leaders to share and build up the confidence within the younger generation.
We are, after all, entering into a new era, "The Great Reset”, the old rule book no longer applies.”

Inspired by Apple Park and Google Workspace, Ed Mun emulates collaborative elements, in short this design style is called “Wacky Office”. This style is about designing a space that is a perfect balance of work and play. The idea is to design an effective, flexible and tech savvy co-working space for people to come to work, explore ideas and sit down together to discuss. SSDU’s Center of Excellence (COE) will be the transformative co-working space that will spearhead their quest to a smart state by 2025.

“Youths are the future leaders, they play an important part in building the nation and shaping the country. Given the right skills, I believe in them and the change they can bring. It is only through passing on wisdom and experiences openly, will the young designers learn to practise good business ethics, finances for the long haul in this industry.” – Ed Mun, Founder & Design Director of Space Utilisation Analyst (S.U.A)
An inspirational and admirable person indeed. Here is some more information about Ed Mun for your reading.
About Insight Interior with Ed Mun (IIEM)
Ed Mun is a creative doyen in the Malaysian Interior Design industry with over 30 years’ experience specializing in retail and corporate interior design. He is the founder and design director of Malaysia’s independent design firm Space Utilization Analyst (S.U.A) Interior established in 1989.
Ed Mun has a passion for challenging the norm by creating fresh, optimized spaces that invoke, involve, invigorate, and inspire the denizen. Through his determination of pushing design boundaries, Ed Mun incorporated scientific measurement, the psychology of space, human behaviour and Zen theory to develop an original method of in space assessment, hence providing holistic, cost-effective solutions for his clientele.
Ed Mun’s hands-on approach to design ventures, combined with his analytical and aesthetical philosophy for residential, corporate, and public spaces which he refers “an object must be useful before becoming beautiful” have garnered many design awards domestically and internationally, making him a highly sought-after interior design specialist in the industry. Several of his notable clientele include Samsung, Hong Leong Bank, Mary Kay, Volvo Malaysia, MURAD Beauty, Hong Leong Bank, Al-Madinah University, and Fuji Xerox to name a few.
Ed Mun also shares his experience, insights, ideas, and personal take on the workings of interior design on his youtube channel called "Insight Interior with Ed Mun". His online sharing is for the benefit of budding designers pursuing their careers in the interior design industry and includes tips and tricks for property owners who are looking to enhance their dwellings, business or workspace.
Ed Mun is a contributor to his alma mater Rhodec International of Interior Design, United Kingdom. He is professionally associated with the Board of Architects Malaysia, an active member of the Malaysian Institute of Interior Designers (MIID), a member of Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) and founder and chairman of an NGO, Nurturing Our Beloved Community (NOBC), which assists underprivileged communities in Malaysia.
Well that's all for now ! Thanks for reading my blog !! I hope you've enjoyed it !
Have a wonderful day and always be happy!!
Be nice, Be respectful and Be responsible.
oh i really dont have any knowledge about ID haha...
ReplyDeleteBagus jugak kempen ni. Zaman covid ni mmg banyak yg terjejas interior designer tak payah cakap la. Pun sama jugak. So adanya platform macam ni boleh la bantu apa yang patut untuk dorang terus bangun.
ReplyDeleteelok la org yg pakar dan berpengalaman buat gini.
ReplyDeletepimpin young generation ke arah laluan yg betul as ID.
jgn main hentam kromoh. moreover, skang ni alam pekerjaan is tak menentu.
can work from home. but how? tu yg kena attend classes with profesionals like this guy.
seronoknya tengok interior designer dengan hasil kerja diorang. Bagi saya siapa yang kreatif macam ni memang bonus untuk diorang. Kemahiran yang ada tu memang boleh jana pendapatan lumayan kalau kena caranya.
ReplyDeletemula-mula baca macam tak faham tapi bila dah penghujung baru faham! i think this guy mesti famous in his industry kan? manakan tidak boleh muncul dalam media. baguslah and beruntung siapa yang dapat nanti!
ReplyDeleteSelama ni memang pasang impian nak ada office yang tersusun dan nampak korporat . Teruja tengok gambar yang ada..tu baru sikit kan. Dengarnya Ed Mun ni bukan calang sentuhan dia ..
ReplyDeleteCantik hiasan dan susun atur pejabat sebegitu. Rawlins memang teringin sangat nak ubah my office sebegitu - luas, riang, muda dan senang nak move around.
ReplyDeletePlatform yg bagus utk pakar id berada dibawah satu bumbung. Tapi ed mun ni mcm famous la.. pernah baca pasal beliau satu masa dulu
ReplyDeleteAkhirnya dapat juga tahu siapakah orang yang bertanggungjawab membuat susun atur ruang2 menunggu dan ruang kerja pejabat yang simple tapi menarik. ID ni tugas dia bukan sahaja nak kena ikut kehendak pelanggan tapi kena kreatif level dewa. So bagi yang memang dalam bidang ID ni memang jangan lepaskan peluang untuk belajar dengan beliau.
ReplyDeleteSuch a great initiative kan where the young ID can learn from his experience sharing as well.. really like the concept he created for SSDU..
ReplyDeleteCantik juga ID workspace yang dia create.. santai tapi sangat memukau bila memandang.. bagus Ed Mun buat macam ni.. bukan senang nak perah idea nak bagi semua orang puashati, kena ada ilmu banyak dan kena baca fikiran orang lain juga tentang apa yang mereka suka kan..
ReplyDeletethis is such an insightful Q&A interview session. it's always great to listen to the opinions and thoughts of industry leaders!
ReplyDeleteSerius kagum tengok hasil sentuhan beliau. Cantik! Minimalis tapi kreatif menenangkan. Sesapa dalam bidang ID wajib menuntut ilmu dari beliau. Rugi tak grab peluang yang ada ni
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